24 maart 2013
Stop de Anti-Homowet
Op 8 april a.s. zal ik tijdens Stop de Anti-homowet Manifestatie een Poetin Protestsong ten gehore brengen. Speciaal voor deze demonstratie schreef ik een hertaling van de wereldhit Rasputin (Boney M.)
There lives an evil man in Russia nowadays He supports a law against lesbians and gays Most people look at him with terror and with fear Cause he pulls the strings Like a wicked puppeteer It's distressing how he is suppressing Homosexuality In the name of love we are protesting: Set our sisters free! Stop stop stop Poetin Drop your law at the Kremlin Love is no crime it's not a disease Stop stop stop Poetin Your plans are so poisoning For all the Russian LGBT's He rules the Russian land as if he is a czar If you don't obey you become a 'steak tartare' Most people look at him with terror and with fright Cause this machoman really loves a cocky fight It's distressing how he is suppressing Love and freedom in his land Love's no sin good heavens it's a blessing This must stop and end Stop stop stop Poetin Drop your law at the Kremlin Love is no crime it's not a disease Stop stop stop Poetin Your plans are so poisoning For all the Russian LGBT's Last night I had a dream he was begging on his knees He said: 'Dolly dear won't you be my fairy please? Most people look at me with terror and with fear But you know my dear in my heart I am a queer!' I said: 'darling it is such a blessing Homosexuality As a queen you really love crossdressing It will set you free!' Stop stop stop Poetin Drop your law at the Kremlin Love is no crime it's not a disease Stop stop stop Poetin Your plans are so poisoning For all the Russian LGBT's Stop stop stop Poetin Let's be honest you're a queen It's not a crime it's not a disease Drop drop drop Poetin Drop your law at the Kremlin Why don't you join the LGBT's?!!!
(Copyright 2013, Ruud Douma/Dolly Bellefleur)